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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life youā€™re proud to call your own. Because your best life isnā€™t just a dreamā€”it starts now!

Ep. #143: How Focusing on the Outcome Can Stall Your Progress

Dec 31, 2024

Staying focused on that number on the scale will keep you stuck on the diet roller coaster.

That number is just data – it does not mean that anything has gone wrong or that you are not good enough.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the process to get you from focusing all your attention on that number on that scale.

Focusing on my simple fundamentals, the basics, will lead to your weight loss success – no outcomes attached.  

I will give you 5 key steps to lose weight for the last time.

Are you ready to get off the diet roller coaster for good?

And if you want to go deeper into this work take my free course at

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How focusing on our outcome stalls our success
  • What success really means
  • How everything will not be better when you reach your goal weight – life will still be 50/50
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Ep. #142: I Eat What I Want and Lost Weight

Dec 31, 2024

Restriction and diets have kept us thinking about food, not enjoying it, and on the diet roller coaster.

Overeating, binging, and then telling yourself you will start over again.

In this episode I will teach you a better way, how to think about food differently.

Allowing, enjoying food, eating food you like is how you lose weight and heal your relationship with food.

Join me as I dive deep into how you can love the food you eat – and still lose weight.

To lose weight and heal your relationship with food, you have to start allowing all the foods, then you have to start thinking about it differently.

I will show you how I do it.          

And if you want to learn my fundamental of how I lost weight, then take my free course –

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How diets and restricting have kept us stuck on the diet roller coaster
  • The way in which you think about the food you eat will...
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Ep. #141: Believing New Things About You & Weight Loss

Dec 31, 2024

I was on the diet rollercoaster for 38 years – years of gaining, losing, and failing.

I thought 1 year of mindset changed and suddenly I was going to be enlightened.

When you have been on the diet roller coaster, when you have lost and gained weight, you have lots of thoughts and have built up evidence that you will fail.

Join me in this episode as I teach you how to succeed.

To start losing weight for the last time you have to start by practicing a new thought, a new belief.

I will teach you a way to start believing new things about yourself and your weight loss.

How to build evidence for your new beliefs.

Are you ready to believe something new?

And if you have not taken my free course, it will get you started in my fundamentals of losing weight for the last time. Go to Also join me in my 8-week summer fun of Live with Shannan – how to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.

And make sure you mark July 12th on your calendar. Transform Boss...

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Ep. #140: When is the Right Time to Start Losing Weight

Dec 31, 2024

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into waiting until the “right time” to lose weight.

We fantasize about how we will do it perfectly, eating all the “right” things. But first, we just need this little bit of time.

And then we start, we don’t do it perfectly, so we throw in the towel and eat all the things and tell ourselves we will start again Monday.

I will show you how to stop putting yourself off and breaking commitments to yourself.

You are not broken and do not need to be fixed.

I will teach you steps to take to lose weight for the last time – just small simple steps.

I will give you a powerful thought to think instead of “I will start again on X”- something that serves you.

Are you ready to learn to take the next best action and lose weight for the last time?

If you have not taken my free course, it will get you started in my fundamentals of losing weight for the last time. Go to And join me in my 8-week...

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Ep. #139: Weight Loss and Self Care

Dec 31, 2024

This episode was actually inspired by my deodorant. Yes, you read that correctly. My deodorant that I order comes with this card.

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

Join me in this episode as I dive deep on what self-care means and how it helps you lose weight for the last time.

We all think that self-care is getting a manicure, pedicure, or getting your hair done, a massage, etc.

But self-care is so much more than that.

I will share the 3 things I think self-care is.

We get this one beautiful life, body, and mind – how are you going to take care of it?

If you have not taken my free course, it will get you started in my fundamentals of losing weight for the last time. Go to And join me in my 8-week summer fun of Live with Shannan – how to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.

Transformational Questions:

  1. What is one action you can take towards self-care?
  2. Why is self-care important for you?


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Ep. #138: The Transform Boss Coaches Take Over

Dec 31, 2024

Join us in this very special episode where our coaches have taken over the Podcast.

Coach Jenn and Coach Dawn will be talking to us this episode on a few topics that pop up a lot in women’s weight loss journeys.

They will share their insight and the things that have helped them the most.

They will be diving deep into topics such as diet brain or diet mentality, failures, self-love, and changing your mindset.

They will teach you how to believe you are worthy, how you have always been worthy.

How our failures only lead to our success.

How changing your mindset can not only help you in your weight loss journey but in ALL areas of your life, including relationships.

We have hundreds of hours of teaching, tools, and tips so that you can lose weight for the last time. We organize them in a way so you can do a little at a time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. We are opening on June 14th for 5 days.  Mark it on your calendar because you do not want to miss it! 


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Ep. #137: Quick Hit on Last Suppering and How You Talk to Yourself

Dec 30, 2024

In this episode, I am going to share an inside peek into Transform Boss Weight Loss. In Transform Boss, we have coaching, a transformative weight loss course, lots of tools and tips, and of course our community is unlike any community you have ever been a part of. Full of love and support.

 You will get a glimpse of all the bonuses my ladies get for them to achieve success.

I will also share 2 of my Quick Hits – small bite size teachings that we put out every week in Transform Boss Weight Loss.

We have hundreds of hours of teaching, tools, and tips so that you can lose weight for the last time. We organize them in a way so you can do a little at a time, so you don’t feel overwhelmed. We are opening on June 14th for 5 days.  Mark it on your calendar because you do not want to miss it! 

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How to quit “starting over” on Monday
  • How talking to yourself in a kind way with love is key to your success
  • ...
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Ep. #136: Popular Weight Loss Questions Answered

Dec 30, 2024

You will not want to miss this very special episode. I will be doing a Q&A and answering some of the most common questions I get from my ladies.

Questions around snacking – all the different kinds of snacking. Why we do it, and what to do about it.

I will teach you some brain hacks that will help you lose weight for the last time.

Also questions around making your realistic plan if you also have medical issues.

I will give you tips on things like deprivation, plateaus, portion sizes, how to reconnect to your body.

We always seem to want to make it more confusing that it really is.

You do not have to be afraid of stepping into your new identity.

It’s really just as easy as loving yourself. Are you ready to learn how?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • Just because you have a thought doesn’t make it true
  • Becoming the scientist of your body leads to weight loss, even if you have medical issues
  • How getting curious leads to weight loss success
  • How loving...
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Ep. #135: Food Pushers and What To Do

Dec 30, 2024

In this episode I want to talk about food pushers and what to do about them.

A “food pusher” is just the other humans who offer us food, who try to convince us to eat the thing.

Listen in to this episode as I dive deep into taking ownership of your weight back, and taking your power back.

No one is responsible for you losing or gaining weight except you.

I will give you a little trick I teach in Transform around the urge of eating it anyway and negotiating with yourself.

You are always in control. You always decide what you are going to eat. If someone offers you food – decide what you want to think about it – something that serves you. Then take the next best action for yourself.

Are you ready to take your power back?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What a “food pusher” is
  • When someone offers you food, it doesn’t mean anything until you have a thought about it
  • If you keep blaming, pushing the ownership to others then you are...
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Ep. #134: It's Me or You, Thinking You Have to Choose

Dec 30, 2024

We have been taught that if we take care of ourselves, if we put our oxygen mask on first, then we are selfish, that we don’t care about others.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep on how that is just not true. In fact, it is the opposite – we are not as good of a mother, wife, friend, etc. if we are not taking care of ourselves.

I will teach you how investing in yourself, taking care of yourself will help you to show up better for everyone else in your life. That it is not selfish to take care of yourself first.

You don’t have to choose. You can invest in yourself and your family. We get to put ourselves on the list (and not at the bottom either!).

Are you ready to lose all the guilt and step into the next version of yourself? One who is ready to have deeper connections and love for everyone else because it starts with yourself.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How to lose the guilt around taking care of yourself first
  • How to turn that...
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