I remember a time when trying to lose weight was this vicious cycle of overeating and keeping secrets from my family, friends, and coworkers. Loves, this left me feeling isolated and lonely, and I know you’ve experienced the same. So today, I’m showing you why weight loss can feel so lonely, and how you can break out of this cycle to get off the diet rollercoaster for good.
I hear from so many of my clients – and I have thought this myself – that the way to lose weight successfully is to feel disgusted at my body, to hate it into thinness. While this can feel like the right course of action, loves, it’s only going to leave you searching for more food to comfort you.
Join me this week to learn how you can fall back in love with yourself to end the struggle and free yourself of shame and judgment. Freedom from all of this negativity is possible for you just by making different choices, and I’m giving you a couple of ways you can start doing this...
I know you’re going to relate to the topic we’re discussing on the podcast today, loves, because I hear it from pretty much all the ladies I work with, and I myself have struggled with this in the past: overeating on weekends.
Weekends, vacations, celebrations, events, these are all things that lead us off-course, eating off-plan and eating more than we want to. Fridays were my trigger because, at the end of a hectic workweek, I just wanted to relax and find comfort, which I often found in food, and I know this is your experience right now. While it can feel like a never-ending cycle that’s impossible to get out of, I promise you, this isn’t true.
Join me this week as I show you how it’s completely possible for you to stop overeating on the weekends, to not go into a full-on binge and beat yourself up over not following your realistic plan. If pleasure and joy is what you’re seeking at the end of a busy week, I’m sharing some tips on...
As you know by now, our lizard brains need to be challenged consistently. They like to go out and look for evidence for whatever we believe to be true, whether it serves us or not… the good news is that you have all the power to change what your brain finds to ensure success in whatever you do.
So today, I’m introducing you to the concept of confirmation bias and how it might be showing up in your weight loss journey. If you’re thinking about weight loss as hard, or as something you just can’t do successfully, loves, you never will.
Join me this week to discover how your confirmation biases might be keeping you stuck and how to start asking different questions so the process starts working for you, instead of against you. I love using this process in all aspects of my life, including business, which has never been easier, so trust me on this one.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
When we are faced with a new challenge, indulgent emotion is something that comes up for everyone. I’ve experienced it lately with the tech aspect of being a podcaster, but this is nothing new. I went through it on my weight loss journey, and I see so many people doing exactly the same thing.
Getting caught up in indulgent emotion is inevitable. It’s one thing we can rely on our lizard brain to do every time we start something transformative. But, love, you don’t have to stay stuck there.
Join me on the podcast this week and discover what indulgent emotions are most common when coming up with your realistic eating plan, and how you can see these emotions for what they are, so you can stay clear of them when they come up instead of getting trapped in inaction.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
One thing we always hear in the self-help sphere is how useful journaling can be. However, if you’re anything like me, keeping a traditional journal every day on a consistent basis can be pretty tricky. I’ve started journaling so many times, but it always fizzles out in a couple of days. That is, until I started doing my reflection work.
Reflection work is an incredibly powerful tool to gain some insight into what’s going on in your brain and how you are doing in terms of eating to your realistic plan. Recording just three types of data every day is so much more sustainable than journaling everything in your life, and the revelations you’ll have when you look back over the data are huge.
Join me on the podcast this week and discover how reflection work can help you on your weight loss journey. I’ve created a worksheet to go along with this episode, so you can get started right away!
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
As I look back on my weight loss journey, I can remember plenty of mornings when I would wake up ready to try a new diet. I was genuinely excited each and every time, ready to start making huge changes in my life in the hopes of seeing incredible results.
Well, I’ll save you the heartache right now, love, because it did not work… ever. What has worked, however, is consistent action every day, sticking to my realistic eating plan as best I could, and not making it mean I’d had some massive failure if I didn’t manage it.
Join me on the podcast this week for some insight into why your lizard brain loves the idea of taking drastic action, and why you’re way more likely to see the results you want if you slow down and take small manageable action every single day instead.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
I’m coming off the back of a pretty crazy week. Between taking my daughter-in-law to the hospital, my husband being in a minor car accident, and noticing some fraud on my bank account, I was also grappling with the launch of my new program. It was a week full of emotion, for sure. However, it really reaffirmed my belief in today’s topic.
Life throws a lot of challenges our way and it’s impossible to feel totally positive 100% of the time. However, if we embrace the idea that every aspect of life has to be 50% good and 50% bad, then we will always be well-equipped to cope when things start going in a direction we didn’t expect.
Tune in this week as I share why, even though we want it, nothing in life is ever 100% positive for long, and how accepting the inevitability that we will experience negative emotion will help you avoid reaching for that cupcake when things do get stressful.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
Loves, I want to talk about what’s keeping us stuck and the beliefs that we hold that are stopping us from losing weight. Limiting beliefs are nothing new, but it might surprise you how they’re showing up undetected.
Especially over the holidays, we make excuses for why we are eating off-plan. I did this for years. And if we don’t check in on our limiting thoughts, we can actually make these mistakes all year round and not even realize that our lack of progress is completely self-inflicted.
Tune in this week as I discuss the four most common limiting-beliefs when it comes to weight loss and how to become the watcher of these unhelpful thoughts so that you can catch them as they come up for you and look at what you can believe instead.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
For years, I would set New Year’s resolutions and not meet any of them. Every year, weight loss was high on the list and I always believed that this would be the year I was going to change for good. But like so many, I would give up as soon as things became uncomfortable.
But keep listening, loves. I have an alternative for you that will provide the foundation for real success in the year ahead.
We are officially in 2020 and I’m thinking deeply about what I want to accomplish, so I’m coming at you with a short and sweet demonstration of my process for setting goals for the next year. Join me this week for a guide to setting simple, realistic goals, and most importantly, sticking to them.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
What realistic success do you want in 2020?
What challenges could you face in achieving your success?
We just had an early Christmas celebration with our family a few days ago, and I was asking my grandkids what they want to be when they grow up. And every time, their answers amaze me. Kids love to dream. Then, as life goes on, we gradually stop dreaming.
We tell ourselves that whatever we have is good enough and we should be grateful. However, loves, dreaming just like we did when we were kids is still possible for us, while still being grateful for what we have.
Join me on the podcast this week as I introduce a concept called Future Self. This work has propelled everything that I do today. Everything I do, even the small stuff, takes who I want to be in the future into consideration, and this practice is changing my whole world. The future starts today, not tomorrow.
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