The holidays are quickly approaching.
They are full of busyness and sometimes we power down.
We start having the conversation with ourselves that we will just wait until next year.
In today’s episode, I discuss the reasons why the holiday season can be harder and I give you tips and tools to help you not give up on yourself.
In this episode…
[1:40] It’s important to learn how to still care and show up for yourself during the holidays.
[4:52] We have made the association in our brains that rest equals comfort equals food.
[6:14] My take on what to do.
[6:49] Put some space between feeling a negative emotion and doing something.
[8:19] What makes me joyful? Leave the comparison of what everyone else is doing.
[9:11] You are worth showing up for yourself and caring for yourself.
[10:05] Do something simple every day.
[10:16] Show yourself some kindness and love.
Diets focus on short-term results and quick fixes.
Diets are often too restrictive and unsustainable.
Until you heal the core issue, you will just gain weight back.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I share why diets don’t work long-term and I give you my take on what to do.
In this episode…
[4:42] My thoughts created my feelings and my feelings were driving everything I was doing or not doing.
[5:29] I have learned how to have acceptance for me, for my body, how to have love for it, and how to go through life’s ups and downs and come back to myself.
[6:58] I want to help you develop that voice inside of yourself that says, I can do this.
[7:55] The diet roller coaster is this losing and gaining of weight through restriction and binging and overeating.
[9:27] If you don’t fix the core issue, you’ll just gain the weight back.
[11:59] I had to learn how to fit this into my lifestyle so that it would work for me.
[15:03] Allowing yourself...
If you have been on the diet roller coaster, you have probably quit on yourself before.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I am going to give you different triggers and reasons that we end up quitting on ourselves.
In this episode…
[4:03] When you can start to see the triggers, then you can make different decisions.
[4:44] Lack of self-belief.
[6:36] Physical weight is just a symptom.
[7:05] We quit because of external pressure.
[8:54] We quit because we have fear of judgement.
[10:37] Perfectionism can cause us to quit.
[13:28] Perfectionism keeps you paralyzed; you don’t do anything.
[14:17] Burnout is another trigger.
[16:01] My take on what to do.
[17:44] To take actions that serve you, you have to think differently.
Time. We make the excuse that we don’t have enough time to do the things for ourselves.
We don’t have time to live the life we dream about. Creating time for me is prioritizing what matters and being honest with myself on time has helped me to create a life of my dreams, to lose weight, have the career and business I want, and to show up for all the humans in my life.
This is available for you too.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I challenge you to find the real reason why you don’t have time to lose weight and live a life that you create.
I want you to send me an email on what you are going to do – what action will you do to create more time.
I want you to overload my email inbox, [email protected].
In this episode…
[2:28] Time is one of the challenges that people believe prohibits them from losing weight.
[4:07] If I am not intentional with my time, I focus on low value things.
[7:10] It’s scary to go after the...
Do you do good all week and then overeat on the weekends, sabotaging any success you have already had?
In this episode, I share why it happens and what to do.
In this episode…
[1:44] I had a routine during the week so staying on track was easier. I think this is normal.
[2:14] It’s important to understand and get curious about why you may be overeating.
[3:39] We have associated food with comfort. We get a dopamine hit from a lot of our favorite comfort foods.
[5:07] Weekends can be difficult because we start telling ourselves we deserve it.
[6:54] You have a busy schedule during the week, so you push your emotions down.
[6:50] This is for all my working ladies
[8:43] Get curious
[9:08] My take on weekends and weight-loss
[10:49] Creating a weekend routine
[12:37] Talking to yourself more than you listen
[13:01] Shannan’s tip for weekend success
In today’s episode, you will discover 3 simple steps to begin losing weight today.
I will teach you how to heal your relationship with food and help you get off the diet roller coaster of restriction and bingeing.
Be a diet dropout and finally win the battle with weight.
In this episode…
[3:50] Years of diet mentality, diet culture, and diet trauma can make you feel broken.
[5:19] As we’ve dieted over the years, we don’t know when we’re physically full. We don’t know when we are physically hungry.
[8:08] I don’t want you to go from eating what you’re eating today to restriction.
[10:23] This planning really isn’t about the food. It’s about starting to meet yourself where you’re at.
[11:24] Your body needs certain nutrients, it needs water, it needs sleep, it needs to move a little.
In today’s episode, I share my love letter to you.
You have spent too much brain power on the number on the scale or on what you look like.
You have put yourself on the back burner long enough.
You are full of talents and capabilities.
In this episode…
[2:18] Women are more than a number on a scale or a body.
[2:59] So much of our brain power, our energy, our time, goes into this number on the scale.
[3:51] When I showed up for myself, I showed up for the other humans better.
[5:22] We have tied our worth to the number on the scale.
[6:54] I am enough right now in this body.
[8:46] When you forget how outrageously wonderful you are, come back to episode #206.
In today’s episode, you will discover when we deny our favorite foods or we start labeling food as good or bad, we create a disconnect in our brains.
You may have created a story in your mind that eating everything, whatever you want, is freedom.
I am going to give you my take on the magical combination and what true freedom is.
In this episode…
[1:43] I’ve got to lose X amount of weight in X amount of time.
[3:45] You are not alone in denying yourself and restriction.
[4:26] Psychological Reactance is where you have a natural tendency to resist or react against perceived restrictions or limitations on their freedoms.
[6:36] If you ever think to lose weight, you have to restrict, then you’re going against your story of what freedom is.
[7:17] Going against your autonomy and your freedom will cause you to rebel against it.
[8:21] Very early, I attached that sweets, desserts, were a bad food.
[9:15] If you’ve equated eating anything you want or...
In today’s episode, you will discover how your inner critic is undermining your success.
The worst critic is the one that’s living in your own brain.
It is important to understand how this inner critic is showing up in your life so that you can change the story and dialogue that you have with yourself.
Starting to challenge those beliefs and starting to talk to yourself more than you listen is how to create different results.
In this episode…
[2:18] I want the last four months of the year to be a continuing cycle of growth, of learning and showing up for yourself.
[3:50] For most of us, we believe this inner critic, the dialogue that we have, we believe it’s true.
[4:46] The inner critic can get really loud and we want to numb it.
[5:19] When we numb our feelings, we are also disconnecting from our thinking.
[6:69] As you start to become aware, as you start to hear what’s going on in your mind, you’re going to start to hear some of this...
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