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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life you’re proud to call your own. Because your best life isn’t just a dream—it starts now!

Ep. #93: The 3 Types of Hunger and How they Show Up in Weight Loss

Dec 30, 2024

Do you find yourself going off the rails at night and overeating?

This is probably just emotional hunger or habit hunger. We have been so disconnected from our body for so long, we don’t even know what hunger feels like in our body.  We have built this wall of weight around ourselves. We think we are hungry, and we don’t realize we are full until we are full and overstuffed – like Thanksgiving stuffed.

Physical is the important hunger. It is when we are truly hungry, when our hormones tell us we are hungry. Ask yourself if a chicken breast would do, and if you can say yes, then you are physically hungry.  If the answer is no, I want the chocolate chip cookie, then it is probably emotional hunger.

Emotional hunger is when we are pushing our feelings down with food. We tie events to food. Nighttime, weekends, celebrations.  If I get upset with my husband, Paul, and I find myself in the pantry, that is just emotional hunger.

You can feel your feelings...

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Ep. #92: What I learned from Jon Acuff

Dec 30, 2024

How many times have you started a diet saying to yourself you were going to do everything perfectly?

Perfect is just a lie we tell ourselves. It just keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster.

We are doing a book club this month in Transform – Finish by Jon Acuff. He has a quote: “The day after perfect is the most important day” – Learning to fail. Failure has led to my success.  Life is not perfect.

You can have freedom in food. How to have allowance.  Restriction keeps us stuck on the diet roller coaster. All restriction does is lead to overeating.

By cutting your goals in half or extending your time you will have success.  Set minimum baselines for yourself so you can see your success – Goals are a marathon, not a sprint.

Leave your Hiding Places – Hiding places keep us doing things away from our goals. I call our hiding places buffering. Difficult work, hard work – it doesn’t happen by accident.

Join me in...

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Ep. #91: What is Hard About Losing Weight and What To Do

Dec 30, 2024

Have you thought that weight loss is hard?

I used to avoid hard things, I wanted to be comfortable.

This actually kept me stuck on the diet roller coaster. I recently was on a walk, and it was 100 degrees, it was hot. Every thought was about not going, quitting, and my brain gave me all the reasons why I should just quit, go home, not even start.

But I allowed those thoughts without making them mean anything – they were just sentences in my brain. Learning that hard is just a word – and that I get to decide how I want to think about it.

The hard is what has made me who I am, it is what has helped me lose weight, start a company, and help hundreds of women.

You do hard – you do lots of hard things. Weight loss is easy and hard. Learning how to embrace the hard is everything – it will help you lose weight for the last time.

 In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What is hard about losing weight.
  • Why you choose comfort and how it keeps you stuck on...
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Ep. #90: How to Lose Weight by Eating Foods You Enjoy

Dec 30, 2024

How many times have you thought, if I could just eat “clean,” I could lose my weight?

I used to have these perfectionistic fantasies about eating clean, just meat and veggies. I would dream about how I would feel.

I went to a nutritionist once and did it.

But when life happened, when I ate pizza, I slowly went back to a full binge – eating all the things I could not eat on the “clean” diet.

Learning how to lose weight by enjoying your favorite foods is the only way I found to lose weight for the last time.

Learning how to pay attention and really enjoy your favorite non-fuel food and enjoying your fuel foods too.

Join me on today’s episode where we dive into how to enjoy food and still lose weight. No all or nothing here.

Transformational questions:

  1. What are foods that you enjoy that you want to include in your plan?
  2. Why is it important to you to lose weight in a way that you can always do?

You Will Discover:

  • Why dieting, eating clean just...
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Ep. #89: Double Down On Time and It Is Not What You Think

Dec 30, 2024

How fast do you think you need to lose weight?

I used to give myself 6 months or a year. I watched Biggest Loser and had so many expectations of losing weight quickly. I thought I should be losing 5 pounds a week.
See, these expectations of time keep us stuck on the diet roller coaster. We tell ourselves that we can’t lose the weight and that we must restrict, use a food plan or over exercise.

I had to give myself time to lose weight, to learn how to change my mindset in the process.

How long have you been on the diet roller coaster?  I was on it for 38 years and it took me that long to lose weight for the last time.

Join me in this episode so you can learn how to lose it for the last time.

Here are this week’s transformational questions.

  1. How long have you been on the Diet Roller Coaster?
  2. How fast do you want to lose weight? – And then double it.
  3. Write all the thoughts you have about changing your mindset and how hard it will be, then decide what you want to...
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Ep. #88: The 5 Phases of Permanent Weight Loss

Dec 30, 2024

Join me in this episode as I talk about the five phases of permanent weight loss stages. Some ladies get stuck in phase two or three and they keep going back and forth. This is the diet roller coaster. I was on this dreaded diet rollercoaster for almost 38 years. And I know how difficult it can be, how frustrating it can be. And I want to just share with you these five phases so that you can decide where are you and where do you want to be.

Listen in as I dive deep into these five phases. You will learn how to take that fear and confusion and turn it around and do something different. I will teach you about your “Lizzie” phase, and how it can lead to the next phase. I will teach you how to change your mindset and to learn how to believe new things.  Let me show you how failure and challenges are just part of the process. You will also learn that these phases can work for anything in your life, not just weight loss.  I want to teach you to get off the diet...

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Ep. #87: Waiting Until It Is The Right Time To Lose Weight?

Dec 30, 2024

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to show up for yourself now and not waiting until the “right” time to lose weight. We have been on the diet roller coaster for so long we are so afraid of failing that we always put off even starting to show up for ourselves. We tell ourselves it’s too hard, we don’t have time, we’ll just fail. Just give me a food plan or an exercise plan. But haven’t we already tried that? Isn’t that why you are here, to find something different, a better way?

Listen is as I teach you a new way to get off the diet roller coaster for good. How to do the mindset work. We have all had these beliefs for so long, it’s just like a record player playing in the back of our brain. We try the latest fad diet or exercise plan and we might even lose some weight, but then something stressful happens, because we haven’t worked on our mind, we give up on ourselves. Lizzie tells us to go back into the cave, where...

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Ep. #86: What Freedom in Weight Loss Really Is

Dec 30, 2024

We are getting ready for some fun stuff in Transform. We are getting ready to do a five-day challenge. And you know, ladies, I love the five-day challenges. They are free. And this is how I like to do an immersive experience for free for ladies so they can get an introduction of this work. If you’re new to this work and you’ve never done a challenge, or I know we have lots of repeat challengers and some of my Transform ladies love to do them too – they just love the immersive experience – you can still register until May 22nd at


Are you an all or nothing kind of girl like I was? I mean that is how I labeled myself. I was either restricting or overeating, not much of that in between. And not just in dieting, but in other areas of my life too. Listen in to this episode as I teach you the difference between restriction and allowance. I will teach you what freedom really means. I will give you a tool to help you in your weight...

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Ep. #85: How Taking Action On Your Weight Loss Goals Really Feels

Dec 30, 2024

We are at episode 85. Can you even believe it? We are only 15 episodes away from 100 and we’re going to do something pretty special for episode 100. You will not want to miss it. In this episode we are talking about action and how it shows up in our weight loss journey.  First, let me share with you this story about when I hired a personal trainer. It was about 14 years ago. She was super fit and nice. I showed up for the first session, and she measured me, gave me an exercise plan and a very strict, clean diet. At first I was very motivated. But you know how the story goes, after a few sessions, I just eventually quit, because I had not eaten as instructed, or not done all the exercises, and feeling guilty and shame. I had lost my “motivation.” But I learned I did not quit on her, I quit on me!

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to stop looking for that “motivation” and how to learn to keep commitments to yourself, which lead to...

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Ep. #84: Quick Fixes – Why They Don’t Work for Long-Term Weight Loss

Dec 30, 2024

In this episode I am talking about quick fixes and why they don’t work.  I have had a lifetime of them, almost 38 years to be exact. I would look for a diet or exercise plan. I would tell myself, just be good for a few months then you’ll lose your weight, and then everything will be okay. I even went to one of those places that had the packaged foods, you ladies know what I’m talking about. I had this idea if I just ate the food they gave me I would lose all the weight. But the food was not good. I think I ate the desserts and threw the rest away. See quick fixes, they focus on the outside, the food, the exercise, whatever it is. But what happens when you don’t like the food, or don’t stick to the exercise plan? You give up.

Join me as I dive deep into why losing weight is a long-term inside job. I will teach you how to lose weight for good and how to be patient with the process, giving yourself love and grace throughout the whole process. ...

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