I have a favor to ask. Are you a woman who would help another woman that you did not know even if you never get any credit for it? If so, I have a request to make on behalf of a woman you have never met and maybe never will. She is just like you and maybe you are just a little ahead of her. She is feeling hopeless, hating her body, believing she is not worthy, and is searching for the answer to get off the diet roller coaster; and this podcast can help her. Every time a review is left it helps another woman find this show. If you find this show valuable, can you go right now and leave a review wherever you are listening. Usually, it is right in the app or on the website you are listening on.
Your review will help.
We are gearing up for our final challenge of the year and it is going to be EPIC! I mean on fire, so amazing. I cannot wait. I am doing things in this final challenge that I have never done – it is going to be mind-blowing. Go to bflycoaching.com/me
And I am sure...
I cannot believe it is September. Where has the year gone! I can’t believe I am already thinking and planning for 2022. Time just goes so fast. But the year is not over yet. We still have three and a half months to finish strong and reach our 2021 goals.
When we have successes or failures, we make it mean something about us. If we’re not hitting a goal, we start telling ourselves stories about what we’re capable of. But honestly, what I’ve learned is failure, successes, it’s just part of the journey. It has nothing to do with your capabilities, and more importantly, nothing to do with your worth.
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the 3 types of action we need to take in weight loss, and why each one is important. I will teach you how you can fail, but keep learning and just keep taking action, keep moving forward. We all hit these roadblocks where we just want to quit and give up. We say we will just start over or start again on...
Here we are in September. And what I see is we start powering down, especially through the holidays. We start telling ourselves, I’ll just start over in January. And for many of my listeners, it’s a subconscious whisper that all the goodies are coming. Pumpkin season’s coming. All our holiday favorites. Holidays are coming and it starts in October. And some of the thoughts around, oh, I can now cover up with all of my winter clothes…
This is my favorite time of the year from September on. I love it. Paul’s birthday is in September. Our anniversary is in October, all the holidays I love. And Arizona, it is gorgeous. I mean, we get to do all of the things. It is a beautiful time of year.
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to not power down, not to put yourself off, not to disconnect.
You can have more time for yourself. I teach you simple tools and steps you can take and how just one small step can lead to your success.
You get to decide....
Can you even believe it? We are at episode 100! Today, we have a very, very special episode. Today I am bringing on our weight loss coaches, and they are going to share their stories, and also share some tips that have helped them along the way.
Join us in this episode as we will be talking with Dawn Richards and Jenn Taylor. We all have these painful hard stories, and that is what ties us all together. We get to that point of “I just can’t do this anymore.”
We will be talking about what a life coach us, and how it can help us, not just in our weight loss journey, but in all areas of our lives. How we help women discover their own thoughts and pull out all those beliefs we have been taught all our lives that may not serve us, and how to turn those thoughts around so you can learn to love yourself again.
We all have time to show up for ourselves. We can all make more time over time. It doesn’t take as much time as you think to show up for...
Episode 99! We have such a special treat today. You are going to meet some of the most beautiful ladies on today’s podcast. Today we have a few of the ladies of Transform. These are ladies who are in the Transform Weight Loss Program. They will come on and will share a little bit about their stories and will also give you some advice and tips that have helped them along their journey.
Don’t forget we are doing a big give away for our 100th episode. So make sure you leave a written review for our podcast, and you will be entered into a drawing to win a basket of all my favorite things. We will draw on August 26th. You have to have the entry in by August 25. Go to bflycoaching.com/fun100 for all the details.
Join us in this episode as I talk to Kelly, Yvette, Deb, Dana, and Sharon. These ladies have all been where you might be right now. They have tried all the diets, feeling all the feelings of never losing their weight or living...
Ladies, we are almost there, almost to our 100th episode. We are doing a big giveaway for our 100th episode. When you leave a written review for this podcast on apple or iTunes, you can put yourself into a drawing for a basket of my favorite things. We will draw on 08/26 and I will do the drawing Live on Facebook on my business page bflycoaching. Don’t have an iPhone, no worries, I have instructions on how to create an apple ID, so you can leave a review on iTunes. Go to bflycoaching.com/fun100.
I have been thinking about this concept “You don’t know what you don’t know.” What it means is that if you don’t have the knowledge or experience, you don’t know something, and you don’t know what you don’t know.
How this relates to weight loss is that we think we “should” know what we need to do. We have tried all the diets, restricting, counting points, calories, low-fat, no sugar, all the things that...
I have been thinking about ladies and how amazing they are. How they have these stories. We have never been taught how to manage our minds. Coaching, hands down has been the most impactful tool that has helped me achieve goals and dreams. A life coach is for your mindset. Have you ever been coached? Ready to dip your toe in —- Go to bflycoaching.com/BC to sign up for the Transform BootCamp. This Boot Camp is going to be Amazing! The Boot Camp will Begin on August 28th.
Do you ever feel unmotivated in weight loss? Like you just don’t want to do it, you don’t want to show up for yourself. You don’t even want to think about it anymore.
We all do hard things, have done hard things. When we have success we do not even remember the hard part of achieving it.
Join me in this episode as I talk about the difference between achieving your goals or not – doing things even when you don’t want to, when you are unmotivated, uninspired.
It does not take...
We are approaching our 100th episode and to celebrate we are going to do a couple very special episodes, and also a giveaway – At the end of the show I will share how you can enter the giveaway. We have a goal that we want to hit 100 ratings and reviews in iTunes. Go to bflycoaching.com/fun100 for all the details to rate the show and be entered into a drawing we will have on August 26. I will be giving away baskets with all my favorite things.
Join me in this episode as we dive deep into how we set ourselves up for failure. Failing ahead of time is simply – not starting or not going all in on a dream or goal that you have. We tell ourselves things like I don’t know how to lose weight, I will never lose weight, it is too hard, this won’t work anyway.
All these thoughts do is keep us failing ahead of time. Where we don’t even want to start or even try.
In this episode I will teach you a few simple steps to stop setting yourself...
We are coming upon our 100th episode! Can you believe it? So, we are going to have an amazing 100th episode, and we are going to do some fun stuff. I want to involve you and make it fun and do a giveaway. We have a goal that we want to hit 100 ratings and reviews in iTunes. Go to bflycoaching.com/fun100 for all the details to rate the show and be entered into a drawing we will have on August 26. I will be giving away baskets with all my favorite things.
We are also having a fun July Challenge starting July 25. You will for sure want to register. You can go to bflycoaching.com/julyfun.
Join me in this episode as we dive into this thought we have around losing weight without any evidence that you can.
Our brains are biased and always searching for the evidence. If we say “I can’t lose weight” our brain will serve up all the evidence on why we can’t, all the failed attempts. For many of us, we don’t have a lot...
We are doing a challenge in July, so if you love a good five-day challenge, maybe you’ve done one before, or maybe you haven’t, but you will want to do this one. I love our challenges. You can go to bflycoaching.com/Julyfun and register. The last day to register is July 25th. It’s also the first day of the challenge. And we are going to have a blast.
I have a t-shirt that was given to me by one of my teachers, Brooke Castillo, and it says “Impossible is Temporary,” and I wear it on my walks a lot.
Now this word impossible, the official definition is “not able to occur, exist, or be done;” or very difficult to deal with.
I used to believe that loving my body and losing weight and maintaining weight loss was impossible. I just thought weight loss would always be my struggle. Have you ever felt like this?
Impossible is just a word made up of letters. It does not mean anything until we assign a meaning to it. I know. I really want you to think...
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