What do you feel when you hear hard work?
I bet your brain gets overwhelmed and then you don’t want to do anything.
Many people feel that weight loss is hard work.
When I was on the diet rollercoaster, weight loss was hard.
Now, I think differently.
I believe weight loss is easy. In today’s episode of the podcast, I walk you through a few steps of the process and show you how to make weight loss easy.
In this episode…
[1:55] I can look back at my life and see that anything that has been worth anything has been difficult and hard and has had challenges.
[3:06] I think weight loss can be easy.
[4:53] When I say that there’s hard work, your brain gives you an excuse not to do anything.
[5:57] The steps in the process to make weight loss easy.
[8:27] Your amygdala, your lizard brain, wants you to stay the same, it does not want you to change.
Do you react to life or do you actively shape it?
For many women, we stop creating our lives on purpose.
We don’t dream and curate the life we want.
We don’t think about what we want or need and as we age, we either think we’re headed towards the end of our life, or we start to light up.
Do you want your next chapter to be one that you wrote or are you going to let someone else write it?
It’s okay to want more.
It’s okay to create the life you want.
In this week’s episode of the Weight Loss for Successful Women podcast, I give you the questions to ask yourself so that you can begin creating your life on purpose.
In this episode…
[3:40] As we start to age, we do one of two things.
[5:25] I’ve learned that I get to decide what I want to believe, think, feel, and do.
[6:42] It’s so great to just pause, to plan, to create your life.
[7:37] Weight is a symptom of you wanting more for yourself.
[8:23] Start by asking yourself...
We have stories that play in our heads that create the emotion of fear.
We have thoughts about what will happen if we lose weight, if we don’t lose the weight, and if we lose the weight and then gain it back.
These thoughts keep us stuck on the diet roller coaster. It’s important for you to find the story you’re telling yourself about weight loss because then you can understand why you’re feeling the fear.
If you want to learn what to do to release your fear and to change your thoughts, listen to this week’s episode of the Weight Loss for Successful Women podcast.
In this episode…
[1:40] They just stayed the same because of the fear of change.
[2:25] Understanding fear is important.
[3:45] Fear enhances our learning and our memory.
[8:17] It was my thinking, not the actual emotion of fear.
[10:55] What to do.
How many times have you pushed yourself off waiting for the right time?
The “right time” is made up.
There’s no right order of life.
You decide now’s the time to start your weight loss journey.
You clean out your pantry of all the non-diet food and you follow your plan.
You don’t feel very good, but you power through it.
Then, life happens.
You start telling yourself this isn’t the right time, and you start slowly quitting on yourself and you repeat this cycle over and over.
Telling yourself “this just isn’t the right time” is just a way of giving yourself an out.
Fear wins every single time you tell yourself it’s not the right time.
The right time just gives you a reason to stay safe and comfortable.
There is no right time. Ladies, you don’t have to start over or catch up.
If you want to know what to do, listen to this week’s episode of the Weight Loss for Successful Women podcast.
In this...
What are you really craving?
I used food to comfort myself, to soothe myself, and as a filler.
It was just a cheap substitute.
Maybe you’re craving love and acceptance.
You may seek this from others, but you need this from yourself.
What are you really craving?
Ask yourself this question, but don’t be afraid of the answer.
Once you know the answer, then you can decide what to do.
If you’re not sure and not sure what to do about it, listen to today’s episode of the podcast.
In this episode…
[1:58] Carrying extra weight is just a symptom of a life you are not creating.
[3:46] I used food to comfort myself. I used food to soothe. I used food as a filler.
[6:07] Part of this process of losing weight and getting off the diet roller coaster for good is understanding why you’re carrying the weight in the first place.
[7:18] If you don’t have acceptance and love and forgiveness and trust and respect for yourself, how can you expect anyone...
There are a lot of folks that have labeled themselves as failures.
They have allowed it to become their identity.
No one is a success, and no one is a failure.
We have successes and we have failures.
The definition of failure is an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose, lack of success.
Failure is subjective.
Success is subjective too.
Failure is just a decision point.
It’s a trigger to say do I keep doing what I’ve been doing?
Do I try something different?
It just gives us a reason to do nothing.
A reason to quit on ourselves.
To have weight loss success, to get off the diet roller coaster for good, you have to learn how to fail and not quit.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I give you three ways to help you fail your way to all your wins.
In this episode…
[1:35] Failure – an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose, lack of success.
[1:43] What is success?
[2:50] Failure is a decision point.
[3:44] No one is a...
Diet culture is deep.
We have been inundated with the noise from it for so long and it’s everywhere.
It’s on your ads in social media, you hear it in TV shows and by characters and how they look.
We have been socialized on how we should look, what we should think, what we should believe, and what we should do.
Diet culture lacks personalization.
All of the fixes require something external.
It isn’t about changing your internal beliefs and thoughts. It isn’t about reconnecting to your physical hunger.
External things can never solve an internal problem.
I want freedom in your mind. Freedom where you start to notice you don’t think about all the noise and how to tune it out.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I am going to teach you how to find your voice in all this noise.
In this episode…
[1:44] Everything you do today is either a gift for your future self or a barrier for your future self.
[4:21] All of this noise creates...
Diet culture has made us believe that we have to exercise to lose weight.
We have been told that we have to work out hard in the gym and for a certain amount of time.
We have started to tell ourselves that we hate exercise and we don’t look forward to it.
I think there’s a different way.
I don’t think of it as exercise. I call it movement.
Our bodies love to move and to be in motion.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I am going to tell you how to reprogram your mind on how to move your body.
In this episode…
[5:06] Our bodies were made to move.
[5:31] We set unrealistic expectations.
[7:24] We do boring things we don’t like to do.
[9:15] We set unrealistic goals.
[11:23] What to do.
Are you a perfectionist?
Do you think you aren’t a perfectionist because you have failed at weight loss?
We all have this idea about what is perfect. It’s subjective.
We hold ourselves to these very high standards in our minds.
This is the mental weight of weight loss.
We put time pressures and health pressures on ourselves.
We worry about failing and about the shame and judgment that accompany it.
When this happens, we just stop. We become paralyzed.
In today’s episode, I teach you some language around perfectionism and how to overcome diet perfectionism.
In this episode…
[3:16] I’m not perfect because I failed.
[3:47] Perfection just lives in our minds.
[5:18] A lot of my thoughts were just rolling around in my subconscious.
[6:24] What does diet perfectionism look like?
[7:52] Perfectionism, it’s sabotaging your weight loss efforts because you don’t associate yourself as a perfectionist.
[9:18] Change is danger to our brains. Our...
One of the top reasons ladies tell me that they struggle with weight loss is consistency.
Is this your struggle too?
We go all in with our goal, and when we aren’t perfect, we start slipping little by little.
We can’t stay consistent and we think we lack motivation.
In today’s episode, I’m going to show you why inconsistency shows up and teach you how to think a little differently when it comes to consistency plus I’ll give you the secrets to consistency in weight loss.
In this episode…
[1:31] The new year is just like a mile marker in your life. It’s just the post.
[2:13] As you start to think about what you want to do this year, and the goals you want to set, whatever it is for you, starting to be consistent and how consistency shows up for you is important.
[3:27] Inconsistency comes from starting and stopping because I’m going to do everything perfectly.
[3:57] It’s all in our thinking around it. We develop this...
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