In today’s episode, you will discover how we have defined ourselves by our role instead of who we really are.
We have forgotten what we want for ourselves.
I give you my take on how to decide and create what you want for your life.
In this episode…
[2:58] When we start recognizing who we are, when we start seeing our capabilities, our talents, that starts to turn into desires.
[3:42] I didn’t really think about curating my life, about creating the life of my dreams, the life that was meant to live on purpose.
[4:22] Until you realize what really gets you fired up, you just keep living this life that you don’t recognize.
[5:11] You carry extra weight because of how you think and what you feel.
[6:05] If you have not worked on your thinking and how it creates feelings in your body, you will live a life that doesn’t look like yours.
[7:40] Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
[10:31] What gets you going? What gets you excited?
[10:57] We...
In today’s episode, I talk with Transform Boss Coaches Dana, Kelly, and Sharon and they share their tips and tools for getting to and staying in maintenance.
Join us as we cover juicy topics like never starting over again, slaying the scale, non-scale victories, self-talk, and making weight loss easy!
Trust the process of changing your thoughts and mindset.
Consistency is key.
In this episode…
[1:37] Natural weight is a weight I decided that I feel good in, that I like.
[2:19] One of the things that has really changed for me when I think about living in maintenance is my relationship with food.
[3:43] We think we’re gonna just change our thoughts and we’re never gonna have these old limiting thoughts that we had before.
[4:53] I don’t need to ever start over again.
[5:24] As women, we are so tied to that scale.
[5:52] There’s so many non-scale successes.
[6:23] I’ve really talked to myself and asked myself questions like...
In today’s episode, you will discover how resistance comes in many different forms.
Resistance keeps you pushing back and not moving forward.
It keeps you in the same place, but expecting different results.
I talk with Coach Jenn and Coach Sharon about how resistance has shown up in their lives and the lives of their clients.
They share tips on how to move out of resistance and into action by taking the next step.
In this episode…
[1:40] We don’t believe we deserve success.
[1:59] We keep doing the same things, expecting different results.
[6:49] We go to things that are comfortable, that we know, because we have always done it that way.
[8:39] I realized that by allowing others to show up as themselves and love the for who they are and how they show up allowed me to love myself and release resistance.
[9:30] Because of resistance, you didn’t want to do something different. You didn’t want to think differently.
[9:53] You had to think something...
Join me as we celebrate the 200th episode of the Weight Loss for Successful podcast with another special coach edition, featuring Coach Nancy and Coach Dana!
Discover how Transform Boss Weight Loss has made a difference in the lives of Coach Nancy and Coach Dana.
They share their experiences and tips to help others get off the diet roller coaster for good.
They share how changing their mindset allows them to live in freedom.
Don’t keep waiting. You can live in freedom today.
In this episode…
[2:30] Little things lead to big successes.
[2:53] Take it one baby step at a time.
[3:36] As I do this work, the weight is the least important thing to me.
[4:18] Today, you can feel freedom.
[7:04] Once you start doing this work, you change so much for the better.
[7:49] Can you maintain this laundry list of things?
[8:15] Transform is an elite weight loss program.
[8:38] Your brain will tell you it’s not fast enough.
[9:01] Slowing down so that you can create new...
Shannan talks weight loss with Coach Kelly and Coach Andrea.
The Coaches of Transform Boss share their experiences in Transform Boss Weight Loss and offer some tips that brought them success.
In today’s episode, you will discover how your thoughts determine your actions and your outcomes.
In this episode…
[5:19] You have to start to think differently. You have to practice different thoughts.
[7:18] We really are not connected to how we feel and how those feelings manifest in our bodies.
[9:38] I’ve learned that there really is no “there”.
[10:34] There is no place like a happy place that when I lose all the weight, everything is going to be better.
[11:00] How many different emotions have you felt in the past 24 hours?
[11:28] Losing weight is not about a food plan.
[12:44] Don’t be afraid to feel those feelings.
[14:31] One step better thought.
[15:10] Practice those new thoughts.
[15:27] Challenge those limiting beliefs.
[16:52] This is the...
For so long, I wanted things to be calm and perfect before I allowed myself to show up for myself.
I would put myself off when things became stressful or there were too many bothers.
Life isn’t going to be happy, joyful and positive all of the time.
In today’s episode, you will discover my take on how to take care of yourself when things become stressful in living the human experience.
In this episode…
[1:10] I remember growing up and thinking we were supposed to be happy and joyful all the time.
[2:42] When you think that you have to have this joyful, happy life all the time, it can keep you feeling like something is wrong with you.
[3:25] When we have stress and frustrations, we put ourselves last and go into automatic brain.
[4:58] You can take care of yourself in this space.
[5:47] How can I care for myself?
[6:15] If you keep putting yourself off until things are perfect, you’re never going to.
[6:46] You start creating the habit of pushing yourself...
When you think you have to do it all, you actually do nothing.
Our brains are wired to want to accomplish everything we put in front of ourselves, from mundane tasks to weight loss and when we don’t – we are left puddling.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I teach you why thinking “you have to start over again” is a sabotaging thought, how perfectionism keeps you stuck, and the magic of taking the next best action for yourself in this week’s episode of the Weight Loss for Successful Women podcast.
In this episode…
[1:54] Losing diet brain and diet mentality takes work.
[2:31] Starting over is a limiting thought and belief.
[2:57] This thought makes you feel overwhelmed and you keep delaying your progress.
[4:20] I have to start at square one and do all the things perfectly.
[4:48] I just needed to focus on one thing. One part of the process.
[5:23] Focus on one piece of the process.
[6:04] With weight loss, we think we have to be perfect,...
In today’s episode, you will discover how I had to grieve the loss of the identity of whom I thought I would be after losing weight.
I had to reimagine what my body looks like and the version that it is, rather than holding onto the dream of what it should be.
I had to decide which parts of my identity to keep and which ones to let go.
I will teach you about the process of grieving and then acceptance.
In this episode…
[2:05] We have these beliefs that we thought something would be different or we wanted something different.
[2:57] I had to grieve the loss of this identity.
[4:03] It kept me suffering and in resistance to what was.
[4:27] I had to allow myself to grieve the loss of what was.
[5:42] I show up for myself imperfectly.
[6:54] I had to allow myself to feel all the feelings and go through the grieving process.
[7:40] I have to fall in love with the parts that I want and keep those things that I can control.
[9:03] You might not even have realized that...
When it comes to weight loss, time pressure can often be a major source of stress and anxiety.
The pressure to lose weight quickly can lead to extreme dieting, unrealistic expectations, and ultimately, failure.
Losing the pressure of weight loss allows you to focus on making positive, lasting changes that will benefit your overall health and well-being, rather than just achieving a quick fix and ending up back on the diet roller coaster.
In today’s episode of the podcast, I teach you how to make your weight loss journey become a sustainable path toward a happier and healthier life.
In this episode…
[00:50] Transform Boss Weight Loss Program is OPEN for enrollment – doors close June 26th!
[02:54] 200th Episode Podcast Giveaway!
[03:23] We are wired and programmed to look at today
[04:00] How not making decisions for our future self can lead you to stop dreaming and stay stuck on the diet roller coaster
[06:42] Creating unrealistic expectations prolongs your...
It is up to you to determine if you are going to take on others’ thoughts and beliefs or if you are going to become your own boss and decide what you want to think and believe.
In today’s episode, you will discover how who you surround yourself with actually influences you.
In this episode…
[3:33] Develop your own beliefs and thoughts about what you like. Not taking on others’ opinions or ideas.
[4:15] We start to compare ourselves.
[5:04] Weight loss industry has a 1% success rate.
[5:20] You can be influenced by the people you are around.
[6:26] Having my own beliefs and deciding for myself what I want to think, what I want to feel, and what I want to do is the only thing I have control over.
[7:25] I don’t have to take on those beliefs, and I don’t have to compare myself to think I should believe something different.
[7:41] As we get older, we get to decide what we want to think and what we want to believe and we get to decide what kind of...
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