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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life youā€™re proud to call your own. Because your best life isnā€™t just a dreamā€”it starts now!

Ep. #243: 3 Reasons Why You Can't Stop Eating

Dec 31, 2024

Are you tired of the constant battle with overeating?

This week, join Coach Jenn and I as we dive into the three main culprits behind overeating: habit eating, emotional eating, and losing touch with your body’s signals.

Discover how automatic responses, coping mechanisms, and disconnection from bodily cues contribute to your struggle.

In this eye-opening episode, we emphasize the power of reconnecting with your body and truly listening to its signals.

I unveil the “Transform Boss” approach, a comprehensive plan encompassing eating basics, brain basics, body basics, and emotion basics, designed to revolutionize your weight loss journey and mental well-being.

Tune in for practical tips on overcoming habit and emotional eating, such as pausing to assess your true desires and needs, and practicing self-compassion.

Don’t miss out on this transformative conversation and learn the importance of slowing down, being intentional, and tuning into your body’s...

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Ep. #242: Success Pain and How it is Making Weight Loss Impossible

Dec 31, 2024

In this episode, we delve into the concept of “Success Pain” and its impact on losing weight.

Success Pain refers to the subconscious tendency to create failure out of a need for familiarity and comfort.

When it comes to weight loss, this manifests itself as self-sabotage, where individuals revert to unhealthy habits despite their progress.

This psychological barrier makes lasting change difficult, as the comfort of known pain outweighs the uncertainty of new success.

Join Coach Jenn and I as we explore strategies to overcome Success Pain and pave the way for sustainable weight loss and personal growth.


In this episode…

[2:59] Success pain is a way that we sabotage our success, but it’s drawn from pain.

[3:59] We are wired to seek comfort and avoid pain.

[6:46] We keep creating success pain in our lives to ultimately sabotage all off the success that we want in our lives.

[9:08] Coaching vs therapy.

[10:38] You can’t fill your soul with food.


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Ep. #241: What is Emotional Eating

Dec 31, 2024

In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of emotional eating.

Often considered a buzzword, emotional eating is a complex issue that affects many people.

We explore what emotional eating truly means, why it happens, and practical strategies to address it.

Join Coach Jenn and I as we unravel the psychology behind eating behaviors and offer insights into creating a healthier relationship with food.


In this episode…

[2:28] What is emotional eating?

[6:20] Using food to numb your emotions

[11:10] Next week’s episode

[12:18] The panic in gaining weight

[13:25] Buffering with food

[18:20] Processing emotion

[19:19] What to do

[20:07] Identifying your triggers and emotions

[26:57] Time for a time-out

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Ep. #240: How is Sabotage Showing Up

Dec 31, 2024

Sabotage. It’s such a big word.

I think all humans do it in some way.

It’s almost normalized.

Everything is going good and then boom, the other shoe drops.

You’re in this repetitive cycle that seems to never end.

In today’s episode of the podcast, we talk about sabotage and we give you tips on what to do when you start to sabotage yourself.


In this episode…

[2:53] I think all humans sabotage in some way, form, or fashion in their life.

[4:03] Change is danger.

[4:54] Your results come from your thinking.

[6:00] The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.

[8:20] Sabotage comes up in so many different areas.

[12:14] Perfectionism.

[13:37] You’ll have these guardrails and these things in place that will help you move forward.

[14:05] Sabotaging in weight loss shows up in many ways.

[15:49] We prevent ourselves from having success and from reaching our goals and dreams.

[18:26] Be aware of when you’re doing it.

[19:12] Shine a light on it because...

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Ep. #239: The Hardest Part of Weight Loss & Big Announcement

Dec 31, 2024

Where are you with weight loss?

Are you still searching the internet for the magical pill or solution?

When you’re trying to lose weight, there is a lot of noise.

“You should do this, you should do that. You shouldn’t do this and you shouldn’t do that.”

The noise is always there in the back of your mind along with worry, shame, and guilt.

This noise, this mental weight is the hardest part of the journey.

If you want to quiet the noise and lose the mental weight, come join us in Transform Boss.


In this episode…

[1:14] Where are you with weight loss?

[3:16] The human experience is full of an arrange of emotions and experiences. Not all of them are good and not all of them are bad.

[3:27] When you’re trying to lose weight, there is a lot of noise.

[4:51] The noise and the mental weight are the hardest part of this journey.

[5:23] The noise will always be there.

[6:05] This belief that you should be different is what’s keeping you...

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Ep. #238: All Things Weight Loss Pt.4: The Solution

Dec 31, 2024

I remember leaving a Weight Watchers meeting and thinking I can’t do this anymore.

I remember feeling hopeless because I had done everything and couldn’t lose the weight and keep it off.

I made a decision in that parking lot and that decision was that I was going to figure this out and never diet again.

In today’s episode of the podcast, I share my journey and give you the solution to finding long-term weight loss.


In this episode…

[3:38] I want to make weight loss easy.

[7:43] We fear the judgment of others because of the judgment we have for ourselves.

[9:13] Three foundational pieces of the solution.

[9:18] One of the foundational pieces is coaching.

[14:44] The next foundational piece is having the tools so that you know how to lose weight for the long-term.

[19:07] The third foundational piece is community.

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Ep. #237: How to Create Long Term Weight Loss

Dec 31, 2024

What do you feel when you hear hard work?

I bet your brain gets overwhelmed and then you don’t want to do anything.

Many people feel that weight loss is hard work.

When I was on the diet rollercoaster, weight loss was hard.

Now, I think differently.

I believe weight loss is easy.

In today’s episode of the podcast, I walk you through a few steps of the process and show you how to make weight loss easy.


In this episode…

[1:55] I can look back at my life and see that anything that has been worth anything has been difficult and hard and has had challenges.

[3:06] I think weight loss can be easy.

[4:53] When I say that there’s hard work, your brain gives you an excuse not to do anything.

[5:57] The steps in the process to make weight loss easy.

[8:27] Your amygdala, your lizard brain, wants you to stay the same, it does not want you to change.

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Ep. #236: All Things Weight Loss Part 2 - The Good and Bad

Dec 31, 2024

In today’s episode of the podcast, Coach Jenn joins me again for part 2 of our 4-part series of All Things Weight Loss

We discuss the tools of weight loss, the good and the bad of those tools, and our perspective on it.

Tools such as diets, weight loss surgery, and weight loss medications are good for short-term weight loss.

The problem with these tools is that they don’t deal with the mental weight.

These tools don’t teach you how to deal with mental stress and how to feel your emotions.

They don’t teach you how to find comfort in other things and heal your relationship with food.

To lose weight long-term, you have to be able to do it in a way that you can for the rest of your life.

When you start to change the mental weight, you start to think something different and amazing things can happen.


In this episode…

[2:46] Diets focus on the food.

[4:42] Whatever you do, you have to be able to do it for the rest of your life.

[9:02] I had this need...

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Ep. #235: All Things Weight Loss Part 1 - Why is it so Hard?

Dec 31, 2024

In today’s episode of the podcast, I start a 4-part series on all things weight loss.

Coach Jenn joins me, and we discuss why most of us believe weight loss is hard.

I believed it was hard because I thought something was wrong with me.

I learned the physical weight was heavy, but the mental weight was the heaviest.

The mental aspect of weight loss is often overlooked but plays a crucial role in achieving long-term success.

It is possible for you to lose your weight, to lose the mental weight, and to do something different in easy and simple ways.


In this episode…

[3:57] Who I was.

[4:37] We get a lot of messages on social media that are fat-shaming.

[6:21] What mental weight is.

[10:31] Emotions fluctuate.

[10:55] I think women, we feel exhausted, we feel run down, we feel burnt out, and it’s not the physical part of it.

[11:37] The diet roller coaster is on and off.

[13:47] No matter what you weigh, the mental part of this, you have to do the work on.


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Ep. #234: Do it Today and a Sneak Peek

Dec 31, 2024

Do you put things off? Do you tell yourself you can just do it tomorrow or some other day?

Today is the best day to start creating the life you want.

Don’t wait for tomorrow, take action now and make your dreams a reality.

In today’s episode of the podcast, I encourage you not to put things off and to do it today.


In this episode…

[2:04] We tell ourselves we have tomorrow.

[2:28] It’s so powerful when you show up for yourself.

[3:14] What are you craving today?

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