I’m sure you, like me, have tried a whole bunch of quick-fix diets and different food plans with hopes that it was going to be the missing piece to your weight loss journey. We all know they don’t work, that they keep us stuck on the diet rollercoaster and in the cycle dieting and binging, which I am so familiar with.
I remember when I was losing weight and I would stumble, my brain would say, “See, I told you, Shannan, you can’t lose weight.” What you think and what you say to yourself matters so much, and when you decide to stop dieting on purpose like I did, it’s time to take a closer look and be intentional about what you’re telling yourself about your weight loss journey.
Join me on the podcast this week as I show you why telling yourself that you can’t lose weight leads to just that: not losing weight. Working on your mindset is so important, and it’s really the secret to your weight loss. It’s not some...
I think it’s fair to say that life isn’t going quite the way anyone had planned at the start of this year. This happens in so many areas of our life on a much smaller scale, where things get messy. But it’s how we handle the mess that determines our success.
When things go wrong, there is always a part of us that wants to think, “Things should be different.” This thought sounds harmless, but it could be keeping you stuck without you even realizing it. So, I want to talk today about why accepting the mess that comes your way will get you moving again.
Tune in this week as I share why I have decided to accept the mess in whatever form it comes, and how believing things should be different keeps us stuck. I have seen amazing results since I started accepting the mess, and this might just be the missing piece of your weight loss puzzle.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
For me, Easter has always been a time of big family gatherings and getting together with loved ones. 2020 has changed this tradition for my family, and I found myself in a cycle of constant worry, fearful about the future and what might be different when all of this is over. I know that some of you ladies might also be experiencing this, and today, I’m showing you how this emotion of worry isn’t serving you.
I have felt extremely heavy and exhausted this week, and through doing my daily reflection work, I’ve found that I’ve been stuck in a state of worry. Worrying about my clients, my family, about how things were changing, and about how I don’t have any control over any of it. Staying stuck here isn’t helping you take the actions you need to get the results you want, but there is a way out.
Listen in today as I show you what you do have control over, and why staying in worry is keeping you stuck. We are never promised...
I’ve talked before on the podcast about how I managed to stop dieting by changing the way I approached food. I stopped following restrictive plans made by other people and started listening to my body instead. And it’s made a huge difference.
One thing I’ve never really discussed on the show, however, is exercise. Now, I have tried so many different ways to try to burn calories. But loves, that is not the right reason to move your body. Just like with food, if you follow somebody else’s exercise plan, you’re not going to fall in love with moving your body and you’re going to stay stuck on the diet rollercoaster.
Join me on the podcast this week to discover why finding a way to move your body that you love is way more important than just getting your steps in or trying the hot new workout. Especially now that we’re all stuck in the house, now is the best time to turn your focus towards your body and find out what works for you.
And here are...
On today’s episode, I’m diving into one simple but very necessary thing that we all have to do, even though we’re practicing social distancing and staying at home: create connections.
Meaningful connections are important to us as humans at all times, pandemic or not, but in our current climate, it has never been more essential to our wellbeing. When we feel alone or disconnected, we often isolate and hide away, and for most of us, we buffer by eating. Leaving your lizard brain alone to spin out will always lead to you thinking about worst-case scenarios, and you’re not going to create the results you want from that place.
Join me this week as I show you why connection is so important, and how you have to think if you want to have results you love three or six months down the line from here. We all have a choice right now to think thoughts on purpose that serve us, and connecting with your loves ones are going to help you lean on them for support.
Welcome to part two of this series that I’m doing on how to get through this crisis right now without losing yourself. Loves, we’re seeing things that we have not ever experienced before in our lifetime, and so the chaos and frenzy that you might be feeling is inevitable. Trying to push away or avoid your feelings isn’t serving you, and so today, I’m showing you how to feel your feelings.
If you’ve been struggling with the desire to eat off-plan, just like I have, it’s important to start allowing your feelings to come to the surface. Letting them bubble and build up will only lead to actions you regret, and so this is what I’m diving into today.
Listen in this week to discover how to actually feel all the emotions in your body, and what the difference is between feeling and indulging a negative feeling. One is going to help you process and release the thought causing it, and the other will lead to you buffering or taking actions that you...
Things are changing rapidly around us as the Covid-19 outbreak spreads, and I know this is impacting all of us in various ways. When things change so quickly, it’s inevitable for fear and uncertainty to come up, and I’m offering two solutions to help you manage your negative emotions during this time.
Unfortunately, we can’t control the world or what is happening, but we can manage our minds. Feeling bad and staying stuck in a cycle of negative feelings is only going to lead to eating, and in three or six months, seeing weight gain that you don’t want. It’s important to keep showing up for yourself as you would normally, and I’m giving you a couple of simple solutions you can use to do this.
Join me this week as I remind you that this too shall pass, my love. It’s easy in times of fear to push that feeling down with food, but it will never work. I want different, better results for you, and these two simple life rafts I’m offering up...
As humans, pain is something that’s inevitable – we all experience it. I went through a dark period after going through a divorce at 22, and I continued to feel the devastation long after, and I kept suffering. Loves, while pain is unavoidable, suffering is a choice, and that’s what I’m diving into today.
A practice I have all of my clients do is go back and rewrite their past. This can be so powerful, and this is how I changed my story, to end the suffering once and for all. We all have the option to fall victim to our past experiences, or we can evolve and become more powerful because of it. I choose power and love, and I want you to as well.
Join me this week to see how suffering might be a choice you’re making in your life. Showing up as your best self makes you unstoppable, and once you start the process of rewriting your past, you’ll see transformation not only in your weight loss journey, but everywhere else in your life too.
And here...
Loves, we’ve reached 25 episodes here on the podcast, and I’ve decided that every 25 episodes, I’ll be giving you ladies a bonus teaching on something other than just weight loss, because that’s not all our lives are about, right?
So today, I’m going to be introducing you to a concept called “the manual.” Our relationships are such a key part of our lives, and the manuals we have for other people bring us so much suffering and drama when we don’t understand how they’re playing out in our daily lives, which I guarantee you that they are. Letting them go can be so freeing and help you feel more love for the people around you, and who doesn’t want to feel more love?
Join me this week to gain a better understanding of how you can make your relationships healthier and happier. Practicing this concept is going to free you of unnecessary drama and it has helped me in so many ways, so I’m excited for you to start seeing how...
I spent over 38 years stuck on the diet rollercoaster, and it got to a point where I wanted off for good. So many of the women I work with struggle with the vicious cycle of dieting, of focusing on the wrong thing, whether it’s calories or points, and not looking inward to what their body actually needs.
Eliminating whole food groups, all the meal plans, exercise plans, programs… I’ve tried them all, and I am so happy to say that I’ve finally ditched that life and couldn’t be happier. This is what I want for you too, loves. I know that for a lot of you, it’s more normal to be on a diet than not, just like I was, and it’s time to change this story to actually start losing weight successfully.
Join me this week as I show you why diets don’t work, and instead, what you can begin focusing on to start losing weight long-term, without the fluctuations and binging and restricting. Losing weight doesn’t have to make you feel...
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