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Creating Her Best Life Podcast

Welcome to Creating Her Best Life Now, the go-to podcast for women ready to step into their full potential and design a life they truly love. Hosted by certified Master Life Coach Shannan Christiansen, this inspiring show is tailored for women who seek clarity, empowerment, and actionable strategies to overcome life's challenges and achieve personal and professional success.
Each week, Shannan dives into topics ranging from mindset mastery and goal setting to self-care and relationship building, providing expert insights and practical tools that empower listeners to take bold steps toward their dreams. Whether you're navigating a career shift, building confidence, or looking for ways to enhance your well-being, Creating Her Best Life Now delivers the guidance you need to thrive.
Join our community of ambitious women and discover how to rewrite your story, find your purpose, and create a life youā€™re proud to call your own. Because your best life isnā€™t just a dreamā€”it starts now!

Ep. #133: Are You Bored in Weight loss?

Dec 30, 2024

Are you bored with weight loss? Tired of doing the same old thing? Well, you will want to listen to this episode for sure.

For most of us when we first start out in our weight loss journey it is exciting, it’s brand new. But then somewhere along the way, we lose that excitement, and it just becomes boring and mundane. The same old routine.

Join me in this episode as I talk about how the boring, mundane, and routine can be amazing!

What it means about your weight loss journey.

We think that big momentous things are what is going to get us to our goal weight. I will show you that it is not.

Food and weight loss will become the least interesting thing in your life.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How the boring, mundane and routine of weight loss can be amazing
  • How food and your weight will become the least interesting thing in your life
  • How to create new habits that will help your future self

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. How is weight loss boring for you?...
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Ep. #132: For the Love of the Body

Dec 30, 2024

I remember when I weighed 300 pounds, I just hated my body.

I was just so disconnected with it – at war with it.

Being mad at it – blaming it for feeling tired, achy, not liking different parts of it.

Can you relate?

But when you hate something – you want out of it, you want to run from it, you want to disconnect.

You have one body – it has been with you since day one and will be with you until your last day.

Join me in this episode as I will talk about our bodies and how to love it again.

I will teach you three steps on how to do this.

Are you ready to stop being at war with your body and learn how reconnect with it and even appreciate and love it?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How self-acceptance and self-love will lead to weight loss.
  • How you can appreciate all your body does for you.
  • Your body is the miracle you need to lose weight – not some miracle pill, shake or food plan.

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. How can you have...
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Ep. #131: How Busy Action is Showing Up and Keeping You Stuck

Dec 30, 2024

I teach something I call the thought cycle. You have a thought, then that thought produces a feeling, then you do or don’t do something, and then you take action or you don’t.

Go back and listen to podcast episode #105 if you want to learn more about it.

In this episode I will be talking about the action part of it – productive vs. busy action, and there is a really a big difference.  

I will teach you how your outcomes are from your actions, which are because of what you are thinking and feeling.  

I will explain the difference between busy action and productive action, and give you tips on how to get to the productive action.

Getting honest with yourself, becoming aware is everything in losing weight for the last time. And to lose weight for the last time, you have to do the hard work – the productive action that will produce the outcomes you want.

Are you ready to start taking productive action and achieve the outcome you want?

In today’s...

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Ep. #130: How Changing in Your Thinking Will Help You Lose Weight

Dec 30, 2024

Last week I talked about how we anchor ourselves to old versions of ourselves. It keeps us stuck. In this episode I want to go deeper and talk about how our thinking about food keeps us stuck also.

We have thoughts that we just love food.

But food is just food. It will never love you back.

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how your thoughts is what is keeping you overweight.

We have so many thoughts that are keeping us on the diet roller coaster – thoughts like “I love food,” “I can’t control myself,” and the whopper of thoughts is “I can’t have it.”

I will teach you how to begin to change all of these thoughts that are keeping you stuck.

How to decide on purpose what you will eat, and that nothing is off limits.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How to stop obsessing about food
  • How to live the life of your dreams that is not centered around food
  • How we all have an inner rebel in us when it comes to weight...
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Ep. #129: How We Anchor Ourselves in the Past

Dec 30, 2024

Join me in this episode as I dive deep on how you can start to believe new things and how you will start to become the next version of yourself. It happens over time – you don’t even realize it.

I will talk about how important it is to have a community when you are losing weight for the last time – how they can support and cheer you on.

Ladies who will see you for who you are now, not who you were. That is so powerful!

I will give you tips to challenge yourself, your brain, aka Lizzy, to quit pulling yourself back into the past.

Are you ready to step into the next version of yourself?

If you are just starting this work and you need community, you need the tools to lose weight for the last time – then start with my free course at

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How our thoughts keep us anchored to our past
  • When we stay anchored in the past, we cannot hang on to who we are today
  • How you have to be intentional to recognize...
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Ep. #128: Feeling Regret About Your Past and How to Move Forward

Dec 30, 2024

Join me in this episode as we are going to go into the past and how we can move forward from it.

You are stronger than you believe. You are wiser than you know. You are more worthy than you can imagine.

Our past lives in our minds, made up of a million experiences, both good and bad.

I will dive deep into how we cannot change the past, just what and how we think about it.

You get to decide what to think and believe. I mean how powerful is that?

I will teach you how to get out of that past puddling and how you can move on.

I will give you some steps to start to decide what you want to think about your past, so that it can serve you.

Your past is your past. You can’t change it, only what you want to think about it now. You can choose to suffer, you can be the victim of it, you can past puddle – or you can take your power back and decide what you want to believe about it. You get to write your own story!

Are you ready to take your power back?

In today’s episode, you...

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Ep. #127: What Does Showing Up for Yourself Actually Mean

Dec 30, 2024

What does it mean to show up? It’s easy for us to show up for other people. We want to please others, want others to like us, and so we do things for them – show up for them.

But how often do you think about showing up for you?

Join me in this episode as I dive deep into what showing up for ourselves looks like, and how to put yourself first.

I will teach you how when we don’t show up for ourselves and are always putting ourselves last, that others will do the same to us.

I will talk about how to keep commitments to yourself and how to build trust in yourself again.

How to become unstoppable.

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What not showing up for yourself is costing you
  • How when you break commitments to yourself you break trust within yourself
  • How to become unstoppable

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. What is not showing up for yourself costing you?
  2. What is one small step that you can do to show up for yourself?
  3. How are you breaking commitments...
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Ep. #126: How You Talk to Yourself to Lose Weight

Dec 30, 2024

Join me in this show as I talk about all the negative self-talk we have and how it impacts us.

Most of our lives day we live mostly in our habit brain – in automatic. It’s just how our brains are wired. Our brain likes to conserve energy.

I will be diving deep into how our brain (aka, Lizzy) likes to be efficient, to keep us safe, and to feel good.

I will teach you how what we believe causes our results, our outcomes. If we believe we will never lose weight well, that is the outcome that we will have.

Are you ready to learn a better way? A way to talk to yourself with love and learn to think new thoughts that can change your outcome?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • What the river of misery is
  • How our thoughts can sabotage our success
  • How practicing a new one-better thought can lead to weight loss success

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. Start to come into awareness. The easiest way is to ask yourself a question, like “what am I thinking right...
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Ep. #125: When You Tell Yourself You will Start Tomorrow

Dec 30, 2024

In this episode I am talking about the thought “I will start tomorrow” keeps us stuck on the diet rollercoaster.

Our “tomorrow” could mean tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, whatever. But is just putting yourself off.

Join me as I teach you how to honor yourself, your commitments, your belief in yourself – and you become unstoppable.

I will also give you 3 tips on how to stop putting yourself off.

Are you ready to become Unstoppable?

In today’s episode, you will discover:

  • How you are putting yourself off by telling yourself “I will start tomorrow”
  • How to honor commitments to yourself
  • How to become Unstoppable

Transformational questions/actions:

  1. Become aware of all the “I will start tomorrow” thoughts (they come in different forms) and how they are showing up for you.
  2. Make a plan of one to two actions you want to do like make your realistic plan, get more water, get more sleep, do reflection work. We will list...
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Ep. #124: Healing Your Relationship with Food

Dec 30, 2024

Today is the day. We are open! I can’t wait to welcome in a whole lot of ladies to Transform Boss Weight Loss. There are women today who are deciding they matter, and they are investing in themselves. Go to to find out all about it. 

In this episode I am talking about healing your relationship with food.

I will explain the difference between disordered eating versus eating disorders.

Join me as I dive deep into disordered eating, the characteristics and causes of it.

I will also give you some tools that can help you heal your relationship with yourself, your body, and with food.

Are you ready to stop being at war with yourself?

If you are ready to lose weight for the last time, love the body you live in, and heal the relationship with yourself then come join us in Transform Boss Weight Loss – go to We are open until February 15th, then we will close the doors until June.

In today’s episode, you will...

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