Oh, love. It has been an exciting couple of weeks. We completed our live virtual event in Transform, had a birthday celebration at my house and almost finished with our new free course. I loved our Transform virtual event. We do this biannually and it’s for Transform members only. And it was so good. I loved every minute of it. I taught, I coached. I, you know, spent time with the ladies. I love watching ladies have success. And you know, so many of my ladies are having weight loss success, but it’s showing up in many other areas of their lives. They’re starting to show up for themselves. When I was getting ready for the Transform virtual event I was thinking about the emotions, that I would lean into the emotions that really helped me when I want to quit or when I want to give up or when I don’t want to do something. And today I want to share those five emotions with you. And these are five emotions to lean into whenever you’re trying to achieve any...
We are going to wrap up the fourth pillar in the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss, and it is success. Again, love we are in the middle of a four-part series and it is so good. If you’ve missed the previous three, you for sure want to go back. Our brains are wired to look for danger, for all of our failures. Remember Lizzie wants to keep us safe. So when you start to have some success, then Lizzie starts to tell you all the reasons why you can’t do something. She tells you how you’re going to fail. This pillar is so important in your weight loss journey.
Join me tonight as I talk about the two components for success. I will teach you two tools for setting yourself up for success. You have to become the scientist of your own body and figure out what foods fuel you and what foods do not. It is different for everyone. I will show you how to look for your success instead of focusing on what we “should be” doing or what we’re not...
We are in the middle of a four-part series on the cheat code to weight loss. And today we are getting into the third pillar, immersion. When I was first learning this work, the work of changing and being aware of my mindset, it was over whelming. It seemed like so much, it felt like a lot. When I was thinking back to that time, I remember going through my coach’s course like 15 times. I just kept playing all of the different videos over and over again. I was immersing myself in the work. When you become disconnected from the work Lizzie will tell you all the reasons to just quit on yourself. Remember, our brain is always seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. So our brains are trying to pull us back into the cave.
Join me tonight as I teach you how my Transform bosses are learning to be successful in their weight loss. How doing all the little things throughout the day can bring you success and you can lose weight for good. How you can decide on purpose how are you going...
On today’s show we are going to get into the second pillar of the cheat code. Planning. Now my love, if you think planning is not your thing, you for sure will want to listen because I felt this way too, but it has changed everything for me. We are in the middle of a four-part series on the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss. Planning is using our prefrontal cortex instead of our automatic brain. You know I’m a little bit of a nerd when it comes to the brain. Have you ever felt like you were eating against your own will or why it was just so hard to lose weight? The reasons diets don’t work is because it’s not about the food or an exercise plan.
Join me today as I teach you the two pieces to planning. You have been listening to your primitive brain, aka Lizzie, for so long trying to keep you safe, you have to learn how to talk to Lizzie more than you listen to her. Listen is as I dive in how to break your diet brain and learn to keep commitments to...
This episode of the podcast is the beginning of a four-part series on the Transform Cheat Code to Weight Loss, and each week for the next four weeks I am going to introduce you to one of the pillars. Today, we will really be diving into the first pillar, Awareness. For so long we thought weight loss was about the food. But honestly, the more I do this work, and something you will learn too, it’s something I see in my clients, it is not about the food at all, but about our mindset. Through my program, Transform Weight Loss Program, I teach you how to change your mindset, and of course throw in brain hacks along the way. I see so many of my clients being successful, losing weight, having better relationships, really becoming these amazing women, all due to changing their mindset and coming into awareness.
For so long, we have been like robots, just walking around our lives on autopilot. Listen in today as I talk about to how to break this cycle, and just become...
Now ladies, I have to tell you, as this episode opens, we are closing the doors to Transform on March 26, and I don’t want you to miss out. So make sure if you’re listening before March 26th that you get in. We have so many amazing things like our virtual event in April and you know my love, I don’t want you to miss out. So go to bflycoaching.com/join.
Today I am talking about the brain. You know I love talking about the brain. I’m a little bit of a nerd for sure, but I love talking about the brain and how we’re wired. Our primitive brain, I call mine Lizzie, is wired to keep us safe, wired to keep us from danger. Think about the cave days, there was a lot of danger. Danger of the elements, lack of shelter, food, water. Lizzie is just responsible for our fight or flight response. But in today’s world Lizzie gets bored and so change has become danger. Whenever anything changes our Lizzie brain tends to go to this worst case scenario and we resist...
I am so happy to be back with you. I am getting excited for an event we will be having for my Transform ladies, called Unstoppable Live. We are doing it in August, and I am doing something extra special for my ladies. I am doing a drawing, a prize package for one of my ladies to come to the event live here in Arizona with me and spend a couple days with me. Yes, in August, probably the worst month to come here, but I reassured them that they could handle it. I have AC everywhere, and she will be treated like a queen.
I love this concept I’m going to teach you today. We are going to get into and dive into allowance versus resistance. Ooh, it’s going to be so good. You do not want to miss it. Resistance is just a killer of dreams. We resist our thoughts, our dreams, our feelings, and even our bodies, all because we think they should be different. Resistance is the opposite of love. Now allowing is the opposite of resistance. Allowing is freeing. It is allowing...
So I want to start today’s episode with a story. And this is way back when I was starting to lose my weight for good. I had really dug in. I had been doing the work and feeling pretty good. I had lost about 15 pounds. And then these little thoughts started creeping in: I have so much to lose, and it’s going to take so long to lose my weight. I started feeling discouraged and I totally went off plan. It started with chocolate lava cake, and I ate it, and then all the “forget its” came in, I will start again on Monday. You ladies feel me on this.
See, these two little thoughts – I have so much to lose and it’s going to take so long – made me feel discouraged. I started playing in the puddle. You know what that is, when you start having these sneaky little thoughts, and then beating yourself up for having these thoughts, and you find yourself playing in the puddle, and acting like a toddler having a tantrum. Join me today as I...
We are at episode 75. Can you believe it! Every 25 episodes I like to talk about relationships, leaderships, something that helps support our weight loss journey. Today, I am talking about moms. This episode is going to release on the anniversary of my mom’s passing, and I want to dedicate this episode to her. So if you are a mom, have a mom or a mother-in-law that is hard for you, you will not want to miss this episode.
In today’s episode I will be talking about our relationships that we have with our mom’s, mother-in-laws, step-moms, and also has a mother. Ladies, we are human, and we are complicated. One of the most complicated relationships we have are with our mothers or mother-in-laws. They can go from being to the best to being the worst to everything in between. And no matter the relationship it can be complicated. We put mothers – all mothers – on a pedestal, for either them to live up to our expectations, or for ourselves to live...
I am so excited. I have added monthly workshops in 2021, where I take a topic that my ladies are struggling with and we go deep, and it’s interactive. This month it’s all about body image and self-love, and I cannot wait to teach it. Learning to love yourself and your body I believe is the best work you will ever do.
Today I am digging deeper on weekends. I get asked all the time, how can I do better on the weekends? Also listen to episode 22 about getting more joy and pleasure during the weekends. But today, we are going deeper. For so many of us the week becomes about work and the thought, I have to. And then the weekends is about the thought, I can’t wait for it. We tell ourselves these thoughts of I can’t wait to sleep in, I can’t wait to do what I want to do. We have learned that the week is all about work and the weekend is all about play.
Come join me as I give you tips on new ways to think about the week and weekends,...
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