We just celebrated Valentine’s Day, and I know how Valentine’s Day can bring up so many things for us. We have these expectations of what our spouses, partners, friends should do for us. We look at social media and see others get showered with gifts or flowers, and think something has gone wrong with us. We have to learn that it is our thoughts that produce the feeling of love, not anything someone else does or doesn’t do. And if you want to learn more about relationships, listen to podcast episode 25.
On today’s episode I will be talking about change. As humans, we resist change. Our primitive brains, Lizzie as I call her, is wired to keep us safe. Anything different, or change, feels unsafe or like danger so we resist. We go back to our automatic behaviors. We find ourselves eating the whole bag of chips or cookies and then asking ourselves how we did that.
Listen in today as I teach you how to go from resisting change to living in transformation....
So, I used to be all in or all out. If you’ve been listening to my podcasts, you have heard me talk about it. We are either all in, restricting, being on the diet, and doing all the things. Or we are all out, overeating, bingeing, eating all the things.
And then whenever I overate or was in the pantry eating all the Oreos, I thought I was a failure, which then led to more thoughts of “I was always going to be overweight.” I would have all kinds of thoughts rattling around in my brain and I would feel frustrated and overwhelmed. And these thoughts just kept me stuck. Stuck in this cycle of either all in or all out.
Listen in ladies, as I teach you to challenge these thoughts and what overeating really is. I will show you how overeating is just a trigger and how our overeats are just data, and what all this really means. How to be more curious when we overeat. How to listen to the little girl in all of us wanting us to hear her. And...
In today’s episode I will be teaching you how to get off the hamster diet wheel. How many times do we keep trying some program or diet that we did before because we lost weight one time on it, only to gain it all back once we went off of it and quit doing it? We restrict and follow the plan, and do all the things, but then we feel deprived, and we end up bingeing for days, weeks, even months on end and tell ourselves we will “start again tomorrow.” We were not given the tools to deal with our mind, our feelings, and emotions. You cannot stay on any plan like that long term, it just is not realistic or sustainable.
Join me today and I will teach you tools to deal with your mind, so you can stay off the hamster diet wheel. There is no magical food plan. We have to stop dieting, and start with a simple tool, like the realistic plan, and meet yourself where you are at. Listen in as I share with you three tips on how to stop “starting...
Can you believe we are at episode #70? We will do something big for #100! Today I am diving into the power of practice. This shows up in many areas of our life. When we practice anything over and over again, it becomes automatic – something that we just do. Our habits are automatic things we do – like brushing our teeth, we don’t think about it, or make a decision about it, we just do it. Our brains work on automatic 95% of the day. If we can do things over and over – practicing them – they become automatic.
In this episode I will teach you the power of practice – how changing your mindset with just 1 or 2 new thoughts/beliefs can become automatic. How this can change in all areas of your life, but most importantly get you off the diet roller-coaster for good! We will talk about how Transform Weight Loss Program is the tools and understanding, but also the practice and implementation of the tools.
Do you think that the daily decisions you make, whether small or big, have an impact on your weight loss? They have a much bigger impact than we even realize. We make so many decisions throughout the day that our brains get tired and it can feel like decision fatigue. When we are feeling this way, it can leave us looking like a deer in headlights and we end up not doing anything at all, just staying exactly where we are.
You are not going to want to miss this episode as I dive deep into the decisions that we make and how they have an impact on our weight loss. Come listen as I share two tips with you that I use to help me stay out of indecision. Start with these two doable actions and you’ll feel so much freedom when it comes to making a decision.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
Welcome to the second podcast episode of 2021. We are already half-way through January, I cannot believe how quickly the time passes. I am so excited to be doing the Future Self Workshop with my Transform Ladies tonight. It is so important that we dream, envision and know who we want our future self to become. At times when I feel like not showing up, or giving up I think of my future self and ask “what would she do?” If you haven’t yet listened to the Future Self Podcast, it’s a good one, especially for the beginning of the year. Just go back and listen to podcast number 14.
Do you ever feel like you are eating against your own will? You are eating even though you feel full. Eating when you are inside telling yourself to stop. Eating even though you promised yourself this time you’ll follow the plan. I have been there so many times loves. Once we can learn how our brain works we can then understand it and use it to help us instead of continuing to do...
Happy New Year! This is the first podcast episode of 2021. As we look back at 2020, we may just want to decide that we’re forgetting the year even happened. We are taught that we should always strive for happiness but what that does is make us feel like something is going wrong when we have pain or fear or shame. Life is 50/50 love.
What I have learned is that we need to allow ourselves to feel all of the emotions. The positive and the negative ones. When we take the time to feel our negative emotions, the ones we usually push aside and don’t deal with, then what it does is helps us feel the positive ones at a higher vibration. Who doesn’t want that, right?
On this episode I will teach you the secret to weight loss. Don’t worry love it’s not another food plan where you have to restrict or workout for 3 hours a day. I call it the 3 C’s. There are three different components that are all necessary to losing weight for good and really live your best...
Christmas is over and 2021 is right around the corner, I cannot believe it. It feels almost like a requirement this time of the year for us to sit down and think of all that we want to accomplish in the next year to come. We usually always include some sort of weight loss goal and make our list way too long and unattainable, then end up beating ourselves up for it just a couple months into the year because it’s not being done perfectly.
On this episode I will share with you how I reflected on 2020 and then how I make a plan for 2021. I love using this time of year to really reflect and to use that to help me grow, serve and learn. It’s so important that we are not only looking forward to all the new and exciting things we will accomplish and experience in the next year, but also to reflect on all that’s happened in the last year. What are things that we were challenged by, what did we learn, what would we do differently the next time. I encourage you to plan a...
We are now in the week of Christmas and before we know it, the New Year will be here. This time of year can be a special time filled with memories, joy and excitement. It can also be a time of stress, overwhelm and even pressure to do things that we may not necessarily want to do, but feel obligated to do to continue the traditions. In this episode, I share a story with you of an experience I had around a past Christmas that started with good intentions but quickly went downhill. I walk through the differences of that experience and the one I had this year, that left me feeling grateful and full of joy. I will teach you the things I did differently this year to create a great experience.
Tune in this week as I give you 3 tips on how you can stop eating against your own will and handle the urges that will come up to overeat. Remember, we get to choose how we want to show up, think and feel. Yes, we are in control of all that love.
And here are this week’s transformational...
Welcome back to the three-part series on love and how it affects your weight loss. Today we are going to dive into our love with others, this is all about our capacity to receive and give love.
Often, we think that the people in our lives whether it be our spouse, friend, family, neighbor etc should act a certain way. We sometimes even unknowingly create manuals and expectations for those around us. We believe if they can just show up a certain way, love us a little more, if things could just be different, then I’ll lose the weight. Love, it has nothing to do with them. It all has to do with our thoughts and beliefs.
In this episode I will share with you three things that I know for sure to be true. By really focusing on doing the work and starting to truly believe these three thoughts, your life will begin to change. The relationship you have with others will change, and most importantly the relationship and love that you have for yourself.
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