What’s one emotion that has come up for you on your weight loss journey this week? I bet overwhelm is up there, and you might even be feeling it right now. It’s an emotion that can really derail us if we don’t know how to work with it, so today, I’m showing you how we react to it and what you can do instead.
There are so many resources available to us when we start losing weight that it can be overwhelming. But overwhelm leads you down a path of staying stuck, and you end up quitting on yourself yet again. I’m showing you a different path today because overwhelm doesn’t ever have to stunt your success.
Listen in today as I show you why overwhelm so often derails us on our weight loss journey, and how it’s a prelude to quitting. I’m sharing three things you can do when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, so you can keep going without quitting or starting over.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
I know you ladies can all relate to plateaus on your weight loss journeys. There were so many instances as I was losing weight that I hit plateaus, and it was really one of the most frustrating things. The scale seems to stop moving and old thoughts about how we can’t lose weight come creeping back, and ladies, I’ve got the answers for you today.
Sure, it can be frustrating and sometimes baffling when the scale doesn’t move, even when you’re doing everything right, and I see so many ladies falling into the trap of self-sabotage. We have to first understand why plateaus happen to stop this cycle, and I’m sharing it all here.
Listen in this week if you’re ready to stop self-sabotaging your success when you hit a plateau. I’m sharing my definition of what a plateau is, 3 reasons why they happen, and 3 things you can do when you’re on a plateau to keep losing weight.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
Committing to our weight loss journey and living as our future self is an incredibly important part of our weight loss journey. There is so much that goes into this process, so today, I want to share with you my daily routine, so you can see how I set myself up for the best possible day every day.
My daily routine revolves around four fundamentals that I incorporate, and each one of those truly helps me live as my future and best self. So, I’ll be sharing what those are, and what you can do to make them a part of your day too.
Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to set up your daily routine in a way that allows you to fully commit yourself to your weight loss journey. I’m sharing the mindset, as well as some practical tips for how to live as your future self right now and really enjoy the results you’ve been working towards.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
Here we are at 50 episodes of the podcast, and today, I’m talking about a little bonus topic that will help you on your weight loss journey. Ladies often ask me how I do it all. I’m a busy executive who runs her own company, supports my Transform ladies, has a family, and I still find the time to take care of myself, and I’m sharing my secrets with you here.
How many of you feel like you’re drowning in your to-dos? Planning was something I used to think was suffocating, and that by not planning, I would be free. But I found out very quickly that being disorganized left me feeling tired, overwhelmed, and definitely not free. What I’ve discovered over the years is that we all have time to plan, and learning to become the boss of your own time is going to transform your life.
Join me this week as I share three of my biggest tips on leading your time, instead of letting it take over and drown you. These tips have been absolute lifesavers for me, and they...
The question I receive most frequently is around how to get started on this journey of weight loss. It can be so overwhelming when you’re inundated with tips and tricks, and even my new Transform bosses can feel a little daunted at first. So today, I’m sharing three simple tips for getting started.
Your brain is going to want to do all the things at once, but I’m urging you to start slow and steady this week. It can be so counter-intuitive when you’ve been dieting for so long to start making a food plan with things you actually like on it, and it takes time to settle into this new way of losing weight, so have grace and kindness for yourself.
Join me this week as I share my three tips for getting started on your weight loss journey. Applying these tips consistently will start shifting your mindset, and you’ll be able to learn new ways to keep commitments and let go of old diet beliefs.
And here are this week’s transformational...
Coaching is something I’ve been doing for nearly three decades, and I know that some of you may not be familiar with what it is. I often get questions about what life coaching actually is and how it changes lives, so today, I’ll be addressing its power and how my own life has been transformed.
I’ve researched and studied life coaching for many years and still do to this day. I’m constantly coaching and getting coached myself in various ways, and so I know I speak for everyone who has had this experience that it is absolutely life-changing. Not only has my relationship with my family and friends improved, but the transformation of my relationship with myself and my body has been incredible.
Join me today as I show you what weight loss coaching is and how it has changed my life. My Transform bosses are constantly experiencing breakthroughs, and it’s a process of getting clarity in your long-held thoughts and beliefs. I believe coaching is the ...
Comparison is something I think we, as women, can really relate to on a deep level. We’ve been doing it for a long time; comparing our bodies, our lives, our jobs, our partners… I mean, the list is endless. I’ve been doing some research on this topic and I was astounded to see the stats, so today, I want to help you figure this out.
Ultimately, comparing yourself to someone else makes you feel like you’re not good enough or that you’re not doing it right. Doubt and fear start to creep in, and loves, this needs to stop if you want to lose weight for good. I had to notice every time I was doing it on my own weight loss journey, and I’m inviting you to do the same today.
Listen in this week to discover how comparison is sabotaging your success. Every time it happens, your joy and happiness are being taken away by the thoughts that you should be farther along, but practicing the questions I’m laying out for you today will help you become a...
I remember starting a weight loss program and feeling super excited. I had all the materials, I had the exercise plan, I was all in. I lost weight sometimes, but I would gain it back again, and I did this over and over. This is what I did for decades. I started to slip, I had all the mind drama, and then the weight loss stalled and I quit.
I always thought weight loss was so complicated and hard. I’m sure you ladies can relate to this too. We have a million things on our list that we think we have to do to find success, when really, the key to lasting, sustainable weight loss is in simplifying it.
Join me this week as I show you how we make weight loss harder and more complicated than it needs to be. We have to make it easy and simple, and I’m sharing how you can start to do this for yourself today.
And here are this week’s transformational questions:
With the recent launch of The Transform Society and having a new group of ladies join us, I have been busy. You ladies know Lizzy – our primitive lizard brain – and she was ramping up, giving me all the excuses for why I shouldn’t go for my walk or eat on plan. She gave me all the reasons to overeat and not care for myself, and this “busy” is keeping us on the diet roller coaster.
This excuse of being too busy keeps so many of my ladies stuck. Stuck with bodies that carry extra weight, eating food that isn’t fueling us, and more importantly, putting ourselves off. We tell ourselves that we’ll put our needs first when we get less busy, but does that actually happen?
Join me today as I show you why using the excuse of being busy is keeping you on the diet roller coaster and what is really happening when you find yourself coming up with excuses not to eat on plan or move your body. Not prioritizing your well-being only leads to an...
Ladies, I have a very special gift for you all today. For the first time ever on the podcast, I’ve got three beautiful guests on who are actually mentors for BFLY. I’m so excited to introduce you to Dawn, Sharon, and Tammie today, and they’re going to be giving us some insight into their weight loss journeys and tell you what has helped them the most.
These ladies have been exactly where you might be right now, and I know you’re going to find their stories completely relatable. They were on the diet roller coaster for decades, tried every fad diet out there, feeling completely low and hopeless. They joined The Transform Society and started using the tools I teach in there, and I’ve seen their transformation right before my eyes, not just in weight loss, but in the way they carry themselves too.
Join us today as I ask Dawn, Sharon, and Tammie about their weight loss transformation, their favorite tools that have provided them the biggest change, and...
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