This is the second part of a two-part series where I teach you what the COST of losing weight is and it won’t be what you think it is. If you missed last week, go back and listen to it, episode 152.
Last week I taught you to get off the diet roller coaster for good that there is a cost – there is hard work, but it is the best work of your life. You learned what the C &O was.
Today I will dive deep into the S &T.
We as women work tirelessly for everyone else and show up for everyone in our lives. Isn’t it about time you show up for you!
Getting off the diet roller coaster for good and losing weight for the last time just requires one small decision and action after the next. Are you ready to make that one small decision?
In today’s episode, you will discover:
This is the first episode in a two-part series where I teach you what the COST of losing weight is, and it won’t be what you think it is.
We think of the COST of weight loss as money, maybe time invested. We have spent hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars on this “diet roller coaster.” It has cost us a lot.
Join me in this episode as I will go a little deeper and talk about what I think the COST of losing weight is, self-love and really living your best life in a body you love.
Learning how to invest in yourself, learning the cost of losing weight for the last time – it is work, it is the best work of your life.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
We have these limiting beliefs that we need to start over, we are behind, we should do it all. These keep us stuck on the diet roller coaster.
We have learned through diet culture that what we are doing is not good enough and that we need to do more, restrict more, and that leaves us feeling frustrated and hopeless.
Join me in this episode where I teach you what to do so you never have to start over again.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Join me in this special episode where Coach Jenn will be joining me and we will be talking about my basics.
Now my basics are 4 fundamentals that I teach to get you off the diet roller-coaster for good.
I know for most of us, we have tried all the diets out there, looking for that magical pill or solution, exercise plan, etc. But I teach you a different way.
How to meet yourself where you are at, find your successes, change your thoughts, and slowly up level.
We will dive deep into these 4 fundamentals, including lots of tips on how to lose weight in a way that you can always do.
Our bodies really are amazing. We just need to start paying attention to them again.
Are you ready to stop being a member of the “clean plate club” and learn to just listen to what your body needs?
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Join me in this episode as I dive dep into the fear around gaining the weight back and how to believe new things.
To get off the diet rollercoaster you have to start becoming aware of your thoughts and then learn to believe new things.
Whether you are fearing gaining your weight back, or if you haven’t even lost a pound, or you’re on a plateau, or you’ve lost your weight, I will give you 5 tips around that fear of gaining the weight back.
Believing new things, learning how to heal your relationship with food, it is the way to long term weight loss.
Because you are beautiful and amazing right now today. The number on the scale does not define you or your worth.
If you want to take this work deeper than go take my free course at
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into how to start.
For most of us I am sure we have been on the diet rollercoaster for a very long time. And if you are anything like me, I know you are so tired of it.
I will teach you about my process – one that is filled with success and failure.
I know we have all been searching for that magical pill, potion or diet.
I will explain how the magic is within you!
If you want to lose weight for the last time, then you have to do it slowly, you have to change your mindset – what you believe along the way.
And if you want to go deeper in this work, take my free course at
In today’s episode, you will discover:
You will not want to miss this episode!
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the 5 concepts I learned from the book Soundtracks by Jon Acuff that really reinforce what I teach about weight loss.
I will explain what these broken soundtracks are and how they do not serve you.
For so long, for many of us, we think the reason we cannot lose weight is outside of us, but I will teach you how this is just not true.
We will always have these broken soundtracks, these thought errors, but I show what you can do when those thoughts come in.
I will give you 3 simple questions to ask yourself to challenge these old broken soundtracks.
You know, I failed in weight loss so many times – until I didn’t.
Are you ready to learn a different way to get off the diet rollercoaster for good?
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Join me in this episode as I dive deep into the “why” of weight loss.
Now the why can be both external and internal.
It is important to understand all of your why’s because your brain will set expectations that are not meeting you where you are at if you are not evolving your mindset on the way down.
I will teach you how you to change your thinking to lose weight – instead of focusing on the food.
Are you ready to love yourself and enjoy the process? It is possible!
If you want to lose weight for the last time, then you have to know all the reasons, learn to love yourself through the process, and learn how to believe different things about yourself – and if you want support, the tools to do it come join us in Transform Boss Weight Loss.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Do you put everyone else above you on your “to do” list?
Have there been times where you do something for yourself and feel guilty about it?
We as women have been taught that we must put everyone else about our own self.
It happens subtly until you don’t recognize your own life.
Until you don’t even know how to dream any more.
And it shows up as extra weight on your body, you are stuffing your dreams and goals down with food.
This episode is a must for every woman – Sr. Weight Loss Coach Jenn Taylor and I have a really vulnerable conversation on being a woman and how to take steps forward to begin showing up for yourself.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
Join me in this episode as I explain the type of coaching that I do and why it is so important.
How it can help you reach new heights by breaking through some of those roadblocks and challenges you are having.
You also need a community – a tribe who is there to love and support you on your journey – no judgments.
I will teach you why this is so important.
You do not have to do it by yourself.
Coaching and community are critical in losing weight for the last time – Having someone help you to see what has been holding you back and then having a community of women who support you and inspire you – well it is everything.
In today’s episode, you will discover:
50% Complete
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